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39 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Tra la terra e il cielo. L'uomo e la natura, una storia m...

Frankopan, Peter
Tra la terra e il cielo. L'uomo e la natura, una storia millenaria

«Quando consideriamo la storia» osserva lo storico Peter Frankopan «la maggior parte delle persone è in grado di indicare il nome dei grandi condottieri e delle principali battaglie del passato. Pochi invece conoscono le grandi tempeste, le inondazioni più devastanti, gli inverni più rigidi, le siccità più severe o il modo in cui questi fenomeni determinarono il fallimento dei raccolti, c...

CHF 52.00

The Earth Transformed

Frankopan, Peter
The Earth Transformed
*A BBC RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK* AN INSTANT #2 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'Humanity has transformed the Earth: Frankopan transforms our understanding of history' Financial Times 'Vast, learned and timely work' Sunday Times _______________ From the international bestselling author of The Silk Roads comes a major history of how a changing climate has dramatically shaped the development-and demise-of civilisations across time. A 2023 HIGHLIGHT ...

CHF 26.90

The First Crusade

Frankopan, Peter
The First Crusade
What if the First Crusade's real catalyst lay far to the east of Rome instead of Pope Urban II's instigation? Countering nearly a millennium of scholarship, Frankopan reveals the First Crusade's untold history.

CHF 63.00

Zwischen Erde und Himmel

Frankopan, Peter / Thies, Henning / Neubauer, Jürgen
Zwischen Erde und Himmel
Was wir erst heute wahrhaft begreifen: Weit mehr als Kriege und Technologien, Religionen und Ideologien beeinflussten und lenkten seit Anbeginn der Zeit die Natur und das Klima die Geschicke der Menschen. Der Globalhistoriker Peter Frankopan spannt einen weiten Bogen, von den frühesten Quellen bis in unsere Gegenwart, und erzählt die Menschheitsgeschichte neu - wobei uns das, was wir heute als Verhängnis erfahren, in vielfältigster Gestalt wie...

CHF 57.50

The Earth Transformed

Frankopan, Peter
The Earth Transformed
Most people can name the great leaders and major battles of the past. Few can name the biggest storms, the most significant floods, the worst winters, the most severe droughts. In Climate: A Lost HIstory, Peter Frankopan reveals the extent to which climate has been overlooked as a major theme in global history - and how it has shaped our world in ways we do not often think about or understand. The relationship between humans and the natural wo...

CHF 33.50

The Earth Transformed

Frankopan, Peter
The Earth Transformed
Most people can name the influential leaders and major battles of the past. Few can name the most destructive storms, the worst winters, the most devastating droughts. In The Earth Transformed, ground-breaking historian Peter Frankopan reconnects us with our ancestors who, like us, worshipped, exploited and conserved the natural environment - and draws salutary conclusions about what the future may bring. In this revelatory book, Frankopan ...

CHF 51.50

The Silk Roads

Frankopan, Peter / Packer, Neil
The Silk Roads
Set your sails east with this stunningly original new history of the world. Peter Frankopan, number one bestselling author and historian, explores the connections made by people, trade, disease, war, religion, adventure, science and technology in this extraordinary book about how the east married the west with a remarkable voyage at its heart - the journey along the Silk Roads. From ancient world laws laid down by King Hammurabi and the migh...

CHF 26.90

Die neuen Seidenstraßen

Frankopan, Peter / Thies, Henning
Die neuen Seidenstraßen
Die Seidenstraßen, die den fernen Osten mit Europa verbanden, waren vor dem Aufstieg des Westens jahrhundertelang die Lebensadern der Welt - und genau das werden sie, wie Peter Frankopan zeigt, auch in Zukunft wieder sein. Die asiatischen Staaten investieren derzeit Milliarden, um die neuen Seidenstraßen zu errichten, und an diesen liegen die Orte, wo künftig die Weichen der globalen Entwicklung gestellt werden: Peking, Delhi, Islamabad, Riad,...

CHF 17.50

Le vie della seta. Una nuova storia del mondo

Frankopan, Peter / Cannillo, T. / Zucca, G.
Le vie della seta. Una nuova storia del mondo
È universalmente noto che le prime grandi civiltà ebbero origine nella regione situata fra le coste orientali del Mediterraneo e l'Himalaya: qui, nella valle dell'Indo e in Mesopotamia, vennero edificate le prime grandi metropoli e fondati i primi vasti imperi. Non altrettanto noto, invece, è che questa stessa regione ha costituito per millenni il crocevia della civiltà. Lungo il suo fitto reticolo di strade che collegavano città costiere e re...

CHF 35.90

Le nuove vie della seta. Presente e futuro del mondo

Frankopan, Peter / Rizzo, C. / Serrai, R.
Le nuove vie della seta. Presente e futuro del mondo
«Il mondo intorno a noi sta cambiando. Stiamo entrando in un'era in cui il dominio politico, militare ed economico dell'Occidente comincia a essere messo in discussione, provocando un senso d'incertezza inquietante.» Con queste parole, nel 2015, Peter Frankopan chiudevaLe Vie della Seta, nel quale invitava il lettore a riconsiderare il ruolo cruciale svolto in passato da popoli e aree geografiche che, nei secoli, il predominio occidentale avev...

CHF 34.50

The New Silk Roads

Frankopan, Peter
The New Silk Roads
When The Silk Roads was published in 2015, it became an instant classic. A major reassessment of world history, it compelled us to look at the past from a different perspective. The New Silk Roads brings this story up to date, addressing the present and future of a world that is changing dramatically. Following the Silk Roads eastwards, from Europe through to China, by way of Russia and the Middle East, The New Silk Roads provides a timely rem...

CHF 22.90

Die neuen Seidenstraßen

Frankopan, Peter / Thies, Henning
Die neuen Seidenstraßen
Die Seidenstraßen, die den fernen Osten mit Europa verbanden, waren vor dem Aufstieg des Westens jahrhundertelang die Lebensadern der Welt - und genau das werden sie, wie Peter Frankopan zeigt, auch in Zukunft wieder sein. Die asiatischen Staaten investieren derzeit Milliarden, um die neuen Seidenstraßen zu errichten, und an diesen liegen die Orte, wo künftig die Weichen der globalen Entwicklung gestellt werden: Peking, Delhi, Islamabad, Riad,...

CHF 30.50